Refugium Stand
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The design of this stand starts with not allowing the light from the refugium to affect the light in the main display tank. As well as vice versa. Next the tanks in the refugium should not detract from the view of the main tank. I looked at going vertical but then it takes away from the main tank. So dual tanks horizontally takes more floor space, but after all the main view is the main view of the main tank.
The design.
The start of build process.
The assembly...
I have noticed that having a refugium on one of my tanks that it is possible to not only reduce nitrates and phosphates, but also help stabilize ph as well. I have also notice that ph starts dropping after the lights go out. So running the refugium lights on a reverse photo period has a profound effect on PH. I have read, and believe, that there is a drop in this effect at about 6 hours. So running two with overlapping photo periods would be the best solution. We’ll see...